26 Mar, 2019

Trade Plan Update 3/26/2019

I think I like gold stocks going into this week. Specifically, gold mining seems to be coming through support and it is much stronger than the rest of the market right now. There are some very aggressive 3x ETFs out there, NUGT being one of them. I actually like GDX, which is not as highly leveraged and moves a bit slower. I’m planning to mix these. I may trade options on GDX and buy a small position in NUGT. The market seems to be a bit sluggish right now, so I’d encourage you to trade a bit lighter than normal. $23.15 is a good price on GDX. If it doesn’t gap up, or comes back down to Monday’s close, I will probably be willing to pay a little bit more. I will only buy NUGT if I like the price on GDX. If GDX is overextended, you can bet that NUGT is worse.

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